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Our Services

In our role as service provider, we always strive to best meet all the expectations and requirements of our customers and partners.


Renewable energy at the centre of agricultural production and transformation.
Our activity covers all drying techniques for fruits or seeds, multi-products.
The solar drying system concept deployed by Agrobio, is based on an efficiently controlled drying procedure where the products are not exposed to chemicals, gas or dust. Just to mention a couple of advantages that you gain by using our solar drying systeme


With our carriers, our delivery area does not extend only to the southern region of Cameroon, but can go throughout Cameroon. In addition, we can also transport and deliver your orders to the port of Douala, which will therefore be ready for export.



Although often overlooked, packaging performs very essential functions. But with us, it is its technical role that predominates. First of all, to contain the product, then to preserve it from external contaminations and finally to allow its storage and transport. In order to preserve your goods or to store them, transport them and also for the respect of hygiene and safety, we offer packaging developed by the best to meet all these challenges.



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