Customised your choice in four portions of pralines, nuggets: Chocolate Assortments With Exhilarating Flavors.
Details ...The Lipem Dark chocolate starts at 55% of cocoa content and goes up to 90%.
Details ...With a 36% cocoa content, Lipem milk chocolate comes in a variety of blends: puffed rice, sesame, peanut...
Details ...Lipem white chocolate contains 36% cocoa butter and comes in a variety of blends: puffed rice, sesame, coconut, etc.
Details ...We offer you the possibility of tailor-made packaging, giving you the freedom to create original and unique packaging for your company or event..
Details ...An important input in form of raw material for chocolate, beverages, ice cream, candies and cakes. Our powder ist 100% from cold pressed cocoa beans.
Details ...An important input in form of raw material for chocolate and beauty products. Our cocoa butter is 100% from cold pressed cocoa beans.
Details ...Chocolate made from roasted cocoa beans from Cameroon. An important raw material for your cocoa tea and natural makeup.
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