Meet the Team

"If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together".
African Proverb


Valery Minkousse

Co-founder & Board chair

Valery is co-founder and Board chair of AgroBio.INT

Valery is Engineer of conception an development of Biomedical and industrial devices.
Valery, has 10 years experience as developer of Medical devices and fluid analysis system. And 12 years experience in project management for the development and bringing to market of fluid analysis and medical analysis system in several companies in Germany such as BOSCH, ENDRESS+HAUSER

Marga Minkousse

Co-Founder​ & CEO

Marga is co-founder and CEO of AgroBio.INT

Marga is Accountant, specialist and project evaluation and coordination.
Marga has 6 years experience in project coordination and controlling in PA Jeune where she is helping the youth entrepreneur to establish a concept and realise their projects.


Solange Kuimo Tcheudji Kemayoun



Karine Djoussa


Rose 2

Rose Nyang

Co-CEO and Co-Founder​

Heads the Marketing and the administrative department of AgroBio. INT

Rose has 10 years experience in administrative in Banks duties. And 15 years experience as sales and marketing staff with United bank for Africa Cameroon.

Presently holding the post of Head of consumer lending in UBA Cameroon.


Eric Njolai



Adamou Bouba



Christian Nzie Minkousse


Micro-Electronic engineer, located in Germany


Christelle Lako


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